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Google Chrome


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/ 22 ratings

Full browsing experience packed into the mobile screen

Google LLC | 16 more apps |
updated on October 14, 2024
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Your user data is synced across all devices with the same account
There are some advanced options to further improve your browsing experience
Probably the fastest browser around, with a clean interface
Switching between tabs is fast


Tabs need to be reloaded if left idle for a while
It can take up a serious amount of space
Some older phones may struggle with the newest version
Google Chrome
Price: $
Google Chrome is definitely a powerhouse browser which has been around for as long as anyone can remember. When it comes to the mobile industry, Android phones are closely tied with Google and Google Chrome ships with almost all Android smartphones. The question is: do you actually need any other browser?

Even though it can't be uninstalled from your phone, it's not like you are forced to use it. It's actually a great browser. The interface is clean, consisting of the address bar at the top, neighbored by the home button, a button to switch between tabs, and the three dots, which open its main menu.

It has shipped almost its full desktop functionality to the small screen, and you can easily manage your history, downloads, and your bookmarks. It displays notifications for websites where you allowed it. It's extremely fast even when working with multiple tabs. Still, if you leave tab idle without switching to it for a while, the website might need to reload before you access it.

If you login with your Google account, you are able to access your user data such as bookmarks and history from all devices where your account was used. This makes a great experience for people who want everything to be connected and simplified. You might notice that Google Chrome will take up plenty of space on your phone after a while. This can only be fixed by deleting the data and cache.

To sum up everything, you are not forced to use Google Chrome, but you probably will. It's probably the best browser available for mobile phones. Some older phones may struggle with the newest version, and it's a shame there aren't many ways to optimize it for older phones.
Reviewed by (editor rating 5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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